At a recent MY Journey® event, Rob Siegfried, CEO and Founder of The Siegfried Group, LLP (Siegfried), encouraged employees to elevate their awareness of how, why, and within what context they show up, as becoming more Connected to the World and forming of-service, Compelling Connections drives greater success.

“Growth requires challenging your ways of thinking, accepting discomfort, and asking the tough questions about yourself and the world,” shared Rob in his introductory remarks. “We’re here to primarily teach people how to think, not just what to think, and that means taking the quiet time to truly reflect on your life, your relationships, and the institutions in which you live and operate.”

Throughout the day, employees heard from Rob and featured guest speakers Keith Ferrazzi, Lieutenant General Frank Kearney, and Victor Davis Hanson. During a fireside chat, the group discussed how to be more analytical about your relationships and environment, including the importance of provoking greater critical thinking and the power of thoughtful connections in propelling your dreams.

Getting to know the right people in the right way

Relationships are crucial to building the life you desire, and the most meaningful, productive connections are not accidental. Keith Ferrazzi, bestselling author and founder of Ferrazzi Greenlight, a team coaching firm, spoke about how mutually beneficial relationships take work and intentionality – you need to be of-service and add value to co-elevate success.

“My pathway to achieving anything in my life had a series of doors that other people could open,” explained Keith. “Ask yourself, who are the most important individuals between now and your dreams? By being deeply generous to and intentional about those people that matter, you can have your greatest dreams recognized.”

Increased understanding inspires greater agility

In a world characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA), having the curiosity and thoughtfulness to examine your life is incredibly important. This includes your relationships and the greater context and systems in which you function.

During his presentation, Lieutenant General Frank Kearney described a successful leader as someone who does the necessary research, understands the variables surrounding them, is prepared to address problems as they arise, and influences people to accomplish a mission with purpose, motivation, and direction.

“When you have VUCA, you must have vision and clarity of where you are now and where you need to go,” he said. “Every problem is in some way unique – you need to be ready for these problems when they come along so that you don’t spend too much time figuring out how to solve them. Disciplined processes and frameworks create agility.”

Nothing is a given

During his time on stage, Victor Davis Hanson, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, showcased how increased individual accountability and reflective thinking could have a real-world impact, particularly in terms of how we, as American citizens, interact with our government. Influenced by current topics in the public domain, including the Constitution, he urged Americans to stay informed and take a more active role in upholding the country’s customs and traditions.

“We all think that the government is paralyzed, but actually, it could do some very strange things very quickly,” Victor noted. “People expect stability without working toward it.”

This MY Journey® event was hosted live in Las Vegas and broadcast to 17 locations around the country. More than 1,000 people were in attendance.

About Siegfried’s MY Journey® program

MY Journey® is an investment that Siegfried makes in its employees to help them build mastery in a variety of areas. Rooted in the Firm’s higher purpose to help people transform themselves into better individual leaders to exponentially improve their lives, MY Journey® is just one of the ways Siegfried employees experience leadership advisory and transformative growth. A multi-faceted program, MY Journey® includes live events with compelling guest speakers, leadership advisory trainings with our CEO and Founder, on-demand courses, interactive professional development calls with experts, special allowances to support MY Journey® goals, state-of-the-art education, customized tools, and more. Additional information is available at

About The Siegfried Group, LLP (Siegfried)

Siegfried is an entrepreneurial leadership organization that provides financial executives with a powerful combination of leadership advisory, talent delivery, and financial advisory services. Through this strategic bundle of services, leaders and financial decision makers can better clarify the best path forward and we can assist them with getting their most important work done right. For 36 years, we’ve worked with our clients to deliver more than just success. Our higher purpose is to help people transform themselves into better leaders to exponentially improve their lives.